

The call for papers is now closed.

Authors have until 30 September 2024 to make any changes requested by the Scientific Committee.


Instructions to authors

The official language of the 13th International Francophone Conference on Sample Surveys is French, which means that submissions must be written in French. In exceptional cases, papers may also be submitted in English, which is appreciated by non-French speaking colleagues attending the conference. Non-French speaking authors may submit their paper in English, with a short abstract and a long abstract in both French and English.

Submitted papers will be validated by the Scientific Committee. If you have any questions about the submission process, please send an email to

Speakers aged 35 or under from a French-speaking developing country or from a country of the European Union (except France) may also apply for financial support. A special application procedure must be followed, which is described on the Scholarships page of this website.


Electronic submission

To ensure that the submission procedure runs smoothly, please read the following instructions and information carefully.

To propose a contribution to the 13th International Francophone Colloque on Sample Surveys, you must prepare the following:

For an oral communication:

  1. A title and a short abstract of 500 words maximum to be copied respectively into the "Title" and "Abstract" cells that you will have to fill in during the "Metadata" stage of the submission procedure. The abstract should give the reader a quick and precise idea of the subject you are dealing with. Mathematical formulae written in LaTeX may be inserted in the short abstract.
  2. One (or more) main topic(s) to be chosen from the list of topics proposed in the "Metadata" step of the submission procedure (see the Key topics page).
  3. A text of 2 to 10 pages long that will be posted on the conference website. This long text should mention the title of the communication, the author(s), their affiliations and addresses. In addition to a description (in French if the authors are French-speaking, in English otherwise) of the contribution, it will include an abstract in French, an abstract in English, a list of keywords and a bibliography. You must submit it in PDF format on the website using one of the following templates (LaTeX or Word):

Templates (compressed file)

The author submitting a contribution is the contact person for this submission. We strongly recommend that the first author be the person scheduled to give the oral presentation. Several submissions are possible with the same account.


ScienceConf submission procedure

a) Create an account

In order to submit an abstract for this conference, you first have to create a Sciencesconf account. If you do not yet have a Sciencesconf account, you can create it in two ways:

In both cases, you will receive an email with a link allowing you to validate the creation of your account.

Attention! If you have already created an account on Hal or Episciences, this account can be reused to access No need to create a new account.

Can't remember if you already have an account? An account is associated with an email address. When you fill in your email address on the account creation form, the system will tell you if the email address is already used. You can retrieve your password here:


b) Create a submission (submit a summary)

Go to My space>My submissions and click on "Submit a paper".

By default, you will have to fill in and check 4 steps.

Metadata step

Fill in at least all the mandatory information marked with an *. Enter the title, the short abstract and choose the type of submission (oral or poster presentation) and the main topic(s).

Author(s) step

This section allows you to indicate the names and affiliations of the authors of your submission. You can enter as many authors as you wish by clicking on "Add an author".

File(s) step

This step allows you to submit the pdf file containing the long description of your communication/poster.

Don't forget to click on the "Upload" button. The file must appear at the bottom, under FILE.

Overview step

This last step allows you to check your repository (all the metadata entered and the file containing the long text). If you wish to return to your deposit, click on the previous steps, otherwise click on "Submit".


c) The different statuses of a submission

Here is a summary of the different statuses concerning your submission(s):

  • Initial: indicates that your submission has not yet been reviewed by the reviewers. No action has yet been taken by the conference administrators; you can still modify your submission.
  • Reviewed: your application has been evaluated but the coordinator (the president of the scientific committee) has not yet decided on the continuation of your application. Your deposit cannot be modified.
  • Awaiting update: the site administrators are waiting for you to make a new version.
  • Accepted: your application has been accepted and can no longer be modified.
  • Refused: your application has been refused.


d) Modify your submission

You can no longer modify deposits that have been accepted (in green), rejected (in red) or reviewed (in white). If you wish to make changes to these repositories, you must contact the conference administrators (the contact link can be found in the menu on the conference website).

However, if your submission has the status "Initial", you can go to the "My submissions" menu and click on the small pencil to the right of your deposit so that you can make changes to it.

Similarly, if the status indicated is "Awaiting update", simply click on the pencil to change your deposit.


e) Access the reviewer's notes and comments

Once your submission has been evaluated, you will be able to access the reviewers' notes and comments by clicking on the small eye to the right of your submission in the "My submissions" menu.

If there are any changes to be made to your submission, you will receive an email with the reviewers' comments.

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